Més que text

Més que text
Text que és més que text

Més que paraules

Més que paraules
Més que una paraula rere una altra


Xarxa de possibilitats, d'experiències de lectura

Cruïlla de camins

Cruïlla de camins
Com la vida mateixa, plena d'eleccions i conseqüències, plena de camins que es desvien

HT2010 Conference on Hypertext & Hypermedia

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

Hypertext2010. 21st ACM Conference. Toronto, Canada June 13-16, 2010

Welcome to Hypertext 2010!

June is usually a lovely month in Toronto and the conference will be held in Victoria College, part of the University of Toronto. The conference venue is steps away from the Museum subway station and across the street from the Royal Ontario Museum.
We hope that you will join us for the conference and also stay a bit longer to experience the wonderful city of Toronto. Workshops will be held on Sunday June 13 with Keynote address and paper sessions being held from June 14 through June 16.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please write to us at:

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2009 ·Hipertext+QText by TNB